October 20, 2009

Off of My Blogging Hiatus...

I have been a big stinker lately. Well, it's worse than "lately" - it's been almost a year since my last post. Something I am re-committing to is to keep my blog updated. I have taken many pics that are more than blog-worthy, so be ready to be dazzled! Now that we are living away from most of our family, I feel it necessary to keep family and friends updated and in-the-know. I have received inspiration from many family and friend blogs...not that I'm stealing ideas, but rather I'm receiving direction. I think my biggest problem has been how to organize my blog and what to talk about. Well, more or less, in semi-Seinfeld fashion, this will be the "blog about nothing". No, really it will be about my family, but in a random, nonsense manner.

January 21, 2009

We took new family photos back in November and I thought I would share of few of them with you, but the disk I have will not open, soooooooo....you get to look at this one for a while until I figure out what the prob is. Enjoy!